美国常见快递的Parcel Service Type Codes

Carrier SCAC Service Carrier Service Type Code FedEx Express (Parcel) FDEN FedEx 1Day Freight FEDEX_1_DAY_FREIGHT FedEx Express (Parcel) FDEN FedEx 2Day FEDEX_2_DAY FedEx Express (Parcel) FDEN FedEx 2Day A.M. FEDEX_2_DAY_AM FedEx Express (Parcel) FDEN FedEx 2Day Freight FEDEX_2_DAY_FREIGHT FedEx Express (Parcel) FDEN FedEx 3Day Freight FEDEX_3_DAY_FREIGHT FedEx Express (Parcel) FDEN FedEx Express Saver FEDEX_EXPRESS_SAVER FedEx... » read more

nlapiSubmitField and record.submitFields(options) are not Setting the Value of Custom Fields on Inbound Shipment Records

Scenario As per Issue: 505122, the SuiteScript API nlapiSubmitField does not set the value on custom fields applied to the Inbound Shipment record. However, the following workaround can be used to overcome this limitation till the issue is resolved. Solution 1. Load the required Inbound Shipment record;2. Set the value of the custom field;3. Submit the... » read more

在NetSuite中用SuiteScript脚本创建Inbound Shipment Record

你可能看到这样的错误: 根据NetSuite提供的数据结构,必填字段是purchaseorder, shipmentitem。一般来说purchaseorder是PO的internalid,而shipmentitem如果填写item的internalid则会报错,因为这里实际指的是PO的lineuniquekey 分享一个例子,请替换ID、适当添加字段。

Create Inbound Shipment Record using SuiteScript in NetSuite

You may find these errors According to the Schema, the mandatory fields are purchaseorder, shipmentitem. Yes, that purchaseorder refers the internalid of purchase order, but the shipmentitem does not mean the item ids of the item on the PO – it’s actually lineuniquekey of PO items! Here is a working example and all you need... » read more